Our Mission

The mission of the Apostolic Faith Church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We accomplish this as we:



We make prayer the basis of every ministry and encourage communion with God as the way we grow to spiritual maturity in Him

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We make prayer the basis of every ministry and encourage communion with God as the way we grow to spiritual maturity in Him.

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We publish the Gospel through the written word, the spoken word, and through our personal lives, daily looking for opportunities to spread the message, "Ye must be born again."

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Our Ministries

Camp Meeting

The Southern and Eastern  camp meeting is held on the campground in Century Florida. The schedule includes Bible teachings, youth services, and evangelistic meetings.


International Youth Conference

Over the past 50 years, young people from around the country and at times from around the world have gathered to worship God together, to connect in fellowship and to share effective practices of ministry in their context. 


Women Organization

Women’s Organization look to take on a new endeavor in efforts to further update and beautify the campground. Look forward to seeing each of you in Atlanta. 


Youth Leaders' Summit

The focus of the YLS is to discuss upcoming events amongst the youth departments, equip youth leaders with the necessary tools to be effective leaders and support their pastors.


District Branch churches

We are a traditional, Bible-believing church, committed to upholding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our services are a time to worship God through music, be encouraged by testimonies of God working in lives today, and hear practical, relevant, Bible-based sermons. We hope you can visit us at one of hundreds of locations around the world.

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